America is Designed to be Destroyed by its Own Technologies

1 year ago

08/31/2023 Nicole on Grant Stinchfield Show: With the US-China Science and Technology Agreement, there have been hundreds of collaborations between the CCP military with the US research institutions. According to the RAND report, America's technology is the largest source of the CCP’s military modernization. We're now talking about the upcoming World War 3, but all of these American technologies are being used to fund our own demise.
08/31/2023 妮可做客Grant Stinchfield Show:在美中科技协议下,中共军方已经与美国研究机构进行了数百次合作。根据兰德报告,美国技术是中共军事现代化的最大来源。我们正在讨论即将到来的第三次世界大战,而所有这些用来毁灭美国的军事技术都来自美国。

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