Oak Hill Church of Christ 9-3-23 Message: "Trust the Master"

1 year ago

Oak Hill Church of Christ preaching minister, Randy Sterling, delivers a message on the importance of trusting God in difficult situations.

Jesus often counseled his friends about their faith. To Jesus, being able to place trust in God is important. Part of that trust, as far as Jesus was concerned, revolved around leaving space for God to handle certain problems.

God, Himself, shares this view when addressing the Israelites before their battles. In fact, once, He gives His people the victory by having them win the battle through the blowing of trumpets. In another, God has them reduce their numbers so greatly that there would be no way for anyone to claim that the victory had any other source but God.

Today, Christians are called to follow Jesus in trusting God during uncertain and difficult issues. Instead of focusing on our own ability and calling God only if we fail, Jesus suggests that we call God in the beginning, and walk behind Him instead.

It could very well be that a struggle you are going through or a frustrating issue you are having is not misfortune or God's anger, but, instead, as it was with the blind man, an opportunity for God to reveal His power.

Consider taking Him up on the offer and see what He can do.

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