Adorable little Norwich Terrier wants to play Badminton

1 year ago

Alert. Curious. Affectionate. Gregarious. And loyal.

Those are some of the traits of Norwich Terriers.

Yes! But … can they play badminton?

We set up our game on a dirt surface at our Quebec, Canada cottage. That fluorescent green birdie we were using, really caught Russell’s eye and he was determined to get a hold of it!

Norwich Terriers are plucky little dogs named for their hometown in England. Standing no more than 10 inches at the shoulder and weighing about 12 pounds, Norwich are among the smallest working terriers. Beneath the hard, wiry coat is a stocky, substantial dog. Norwiches may be toy-sized but they were originally bred as tough and fearless ratters. They are happy-go-lucky, fearless, and sometimes even bossy. Norwiches are energetic enough to play fetch all day, but affectionate enough to enjoy hours of lap time with their favorite human.

It’s a clever but sometimes stubborn breed. Three words convey the overall dog: cute, cuter, and cutest.

And here we are on Instagram!

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