TV Box 9 - Do NOT Factory Data Reset! 5 minutes that could save you $15!!!

7 years ago

What you get with my specific TV Boxes:

#1 - I remove ALL the garbage apps in Android in order to create larger buffer space
#2 - I install a clean version of Kodi with a custom script, written myself, which optimizes all that extra space to make videos run better!
#3 - I install only the best running Kodi addons.... There are 1000's out there, but 99.99% of them are crapolla!

If you Factory Data Reset you will lose all of this and will no longer enjoy your TV Box.

Also do not Upgrade if a window pops up. You will also lose all my settings and it is NOT necessary....

I *will* re-do Kodi boxes, if necessary, for a $15 fee.

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