Cat Shares Special Bond With The Mailman And Our Hearts Are Melting

7 years ago

Could you imagine what it must be like to work as a mailman? Not to mention all the mileage you have to pass everyday, loaded with letters and packages, delivering the mail to thousands of citizens, without mixing them up.

Mailmen get to meet all sorts of folks on the job, friendly folks, hostile folks, quirky folks, and also their pets that come along. Now, pets can sometimes be protective of their household and not greet the mailman the right way. Some pets might think the mailman as the enemy who is intruding in their home, others might want to scratch his eyes out in order to protect their owners.

However, Levi Davis, a postman from New Zealand Post, enjoys his daily mail run in the town of Taranaki mainly because he gets a special affection from one particular feline friend! Every time this cat sees Davis riding on his bicycle, delivering mail, she starts following him around. The cat even has a routine that she has perfected when she climbs on a wooden fence and jumps into his bike basket full of mail and wants to be pet. How amazing is that?

If you are still not convinced that being a postman is the greatest job in the world, than maybe seeing this unique friendship between a postman and a cat will change your mind!

Credit to "Levi Davis / New Zealand Post"

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