Dr. Appel - Princeton Prof - discusses Securing Our Elections With Paper Ballots and Hand Counts

1 year ago

Colonel Conrad Reynolds has an in-depth discussion with Dr. Andrew Appel from Princeton University about why touchscreen voting machines are a bad idea and why hand count audits are necessary to have an election that is secure and can be trusted.

Andrew W. Appel is the Eugene Higgins Professor of Computer Science at Princeton University, where he served as Department Chair from 2009-2015.  His PhD is from Carnegie Mellon University.  He works on methods and tools for verifying the correctness of software; on cybersecurity; and on technology policy, especially voting system security.   He has published over 140 scientific articles and books, and about 90 blog articles on freedom-to-tinker.com explaining voting system technology and security issues to the public.  Professor Appel coauthored the National Academy of Science 2018 study Securing the Vote: Protecting American Democracy.

Dr. Andrew W. Appel's Studies of Voting Technology

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