Tap into unlimited energy that is within you with this easy 5 minute meditation!

1 year ago

The Torah sages tell us that every person is like a world, Just like a world, you have spiritual treasures buried within you that can be accessed by practising happiness meditation. Meditation can help you relax as you let go of fears and stressful feelings about your life. Relax in a quiet place, think about having everything you ever wanted: good health, good relationships, no more money problems, great weather and so on… only think about having achieved all your dreams and nothing else. Do not think of any setbacks. I like to think of relaxing on the beach and having no more worries. Feel your troubles fade away with every breath, no more health problems, no more money worries, you have enough now and you will never lack anything ever again. Smile while meditating and keep even a fake smile on for the duration of your meditation. You will feel a surge in happiness and thankfulness for having everything you ever wanted. Think big, there are no limitations in how much you can imagine.

You might think this is fake and you still have the same problems and anxieties, but just being alive is worth more than all the money in the world. Being alive is a richness that you should always appreciate. How much would you pay for one breath? A billion dollars? more? Your life is priceless! Don’t let anyone tell you that humans are useless. Your soul can generate more energy in doing small positive actions than their billions of dollars! Feel empowered! You can beat anxiety! Feel yourself being free from your worries, happy and rich beyond your wildest dreams! Being rich has nothing to do with money since humans never have enough, real richness is in happiness and staying positive. Practice this meditation regularly. The Torah sages tell us that you are connected to your thoughts and dreams, if you can dream it, it can become a reality. Think about good and it will be good! Read the 7 day mental diet, link below. The effects of this meditation may last throughout the day and your happiness may spill onto others. Tell me how your meditation and healing is going in the comments below, and remember: turn off the bad news (the media uses fear to capture your attention like a trap, like a media executive said: if it bleeds, it leads), don’t fall into their anxiety traps. Keep smiling and stay positive!

Read “The 7 day mental diet” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zT68c4ke8jc

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