Exodus 1:1-13, July 2, 2023, Background to the Book of Exodus

1 year ago

Exodus 1:1-13, Background to the Book of Exodus
July 2, 2023, S-1547-KL
Pastor Kevin begins a new series in the Book of Exodus with an overview of the historical background from the Book of Genesis. In Genesis, we see how God dealt with humankind differently as time progressed, from Creation, to the Fall, to the Flood, and to the call of Abraham whose descendants, Isaac, Jacob, and those coming after them, would possess the Promised Land (Israel) and eventually lead to the birth of Messiah, the Savior of the World. Pastor Kevin shows out these accounts yield lessons that still apply to us including the effects of sin and rebellion against God on individuals, societies, and countries today.
Associated notes and links are at calvarypo.org under Sermon Archives, Exodus, https://calvarypo.org/sermons/background-to-the-book-of-exodus-exodus-11-13/

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