ALISZ The Lords of Light

1 year ago

- Invocation of Spiritual White Magic GoldRing Initiation
The Intuititive Telepathic Angelic Language of NELAN
Music by Nadalokah -
Art - Source Vibrations - The reorientation of soul.

1. Saon Nelan Shria Perisana Intaku Alisz.
The Solar Angel rises in meditation into the center of love and follows the light of white fire.
2. Ahktu Om Asanti Extur Alisz Elooma.
Respond to sound towards the white path upward as the Lords of light Illuminate the song of freedom.
3. Agnisa alevir crsla eaon omnis ahara
Fire angel clear the spiral of energy so the life may gather in oneness and hear the sound of laughter.
4. Yoan, Alisz, vibra ahtushia mirak trium
Sound, light, vibration, blend and merge. The mirror reflects the color of the law.
5. Tri Saon Nelan threan shon alu Alashram ustran aoam.
Three Solar Angels shelter the beauty of the waters in the Alignment.
6. Quanti rouf rewol ordsa miaza elo dzyan
The descension of energy reverses from self to be masters.
7. Duan latsa reasa secrof rolw vorlaut
The dual forces reverse and spin upon nothingness
8. Yoan Aluman eo zeon Alisz Annz respi orlz Clemirah.
Sound calls life from water to ascend to taste the light of miracles.
9. Oon alevin yria meaye Alu osna ealn Alevir
Devotion condenses in vapor and grows to form the foundation of truth.
10. Lalsa Alu suman apri fina ova agnisa
Pure waters bathe love upon the growing energy.
11. Tria Dzya nalz majna sant lis Alovir Aomn Elooma
Speak the words of peace for the lives within the wall of desire to follow the stream of light to freedom.
12 Umon Mosqa dloa Riscz shria lusor soan vorn
Time webs the illusion of power to control and lift the soul of the sun.
13. Via Dzya rouf dera alon saon de.
See the cross upon the high color and know that it is the Soul who builds.
14. Yoan dath soan peri nelan iuam.
Under the body of the soul sound holds purity.
15. Agni sena alisz sumz ustra lian zeo exsta Zyan
The spark begins the quest for the strand light to lead to the awakened heart.

The Lords of Light
come from the highest sources followed by the white fire. In the High Order all life is raised up upon the altar of white light from the center of love.

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