Alex Jones: The Idea that there are 'Secret Government Good Guys' coming to Save Us is a "PSYOP"

1 year ago

This is one of my biggest PET PEEVES in our so called "truth movement" is the idea that the WHITE HATS are organized and in control and coming to save us. It is complete BULLSHIT!! Look up OPERATION TRUST from the Bolsheviks in the early 1920s as it was a PSYOP saying WHITE HATS were FIGHTING the COMMIES in Government so people didn't ACT because they believed these WHITEHATS were fighting for them as the communists used this time to tighten their control.

At the end Alex is 100% right when he talks about the only WHITE HATS being US as he says "Look in the mirror. You are the GOOD GUY with GOD working "THROUGH" you". Good answer and I truly believe that god is working THROUGH us when try to align with truth as best we can as we are still in the process of waking up as David Icke says in yesterdays video.

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