1 year ago

EXPLOSIVE! "This is an act of Biological & Chemical Warfare perpetrated on the human race" - Dr. David Martin. DID THE UNITED STATES BREAK THE LAW? Dr. David Martin ROCKS European Parliament on C19 origins. YOU HAVE NOT SEEN A BOMBSHELL LIKE THIS BEFORE! This video was removed from our YouTube channel, and our FIRST STRIKE was issued for this video. This tells me we're onto something. And mainstream won't have it. Which doesn't make it untrue. Well, you're about to see why. See what mainstream and Google is trying to stifle. The first 2 minutes are the trailer, but I went ahead and put it all together, with some editing to grasp attention to make it more interesting and add a bit more to a bombshell revelation. Seeing as many viewers don't have much in the way of attention span.

This is from the E.U. 3rd Covid Summit in Brussels.

NOTE: IF you do not share this far and wide you are helping no one. Help spread the word, and DO NOT get sucked into mainstream media hype. Mainstream Media is dying, and we want to keep it that way.

#covid #covid19 #drmartin #genocide #government #crime #pfizer #davidmartin #1nationmedia #freespeech #bombshell #revelation #BreakingNews #LatestNews #covidorigins

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