An Invaded Soul Sends A Death Threat- and how LOVE is restored

1 year ago

This video begins with the question raised of how to deal with a threat and disband the energy, transforming it in the process.
0-1 minutes A person issued a threat to an influencer- I investigate that person, with the greater self

1 minute surrounding the being in a nurturing ‘holding’ sphere, letting love permeate
3 minutes pink energy surrounding him to enable communication and stop the malign energy
4 minute Andrea Foulkes working with entity attachments, helping them find what they wanted and send on their way
5 minute neutralising the energy of malice
5.30 building a protective sphere around myself- using focused sound and overtones
6.00 minutes commanding spirit to bring me face to face with the being with protective interface between us- a ‘prison screen’ allowing viewing and questioning.
7.00 minutes building the screen with focused sound
7.30 minutes being in a plexiglass box
8.00 minutes questions of the human being- not much human any more…looking at occupying entity
9.00 minutes bringing in the “Greater Self’
10.45 minutes the new energy arrive the conversation begins. He spits venom
11.00 minutes did someone send you here? “a mission statement.” investigating the ‘compete and overcome remit’
12.00 entity HAS to listen because it’s in my presence
13.00 minutes we have creativity and they have none of it with thin connection to Source, yet many acquisitions
13.30 minutes suggesting there might be an aspiration to more
14.00 minutes what is your level of consciousness? “2-3”
14.30 minutes the proposition: go back to Source, be recycled- leave the pain, and resulting shame of ‘failure’.
15.25 minutes We are sorrowful seeing the way you treat each other
17.00 minutes Some entities have found way through Grace of allowing Source energy to re-enter, so that LOVE energy raises the frequency, and act as an inspiration to your people. You would have to be wiped-clean.
18.00 minutes Could become a DELEGATE- bringing a message of HOPE for creation again, for his people to connect into Source again
19.15 minutes Now look at the human form whom you have drained life-force. Very low frequency. ( Cat leaves the door open for me and I get a chance to clear some energy…)
20.00 minutes My compassion sees the small human on the floor, we need to bring him live and life to enable him to re-enter his body. His mind has been corrupted by the entity’s essence.
21.00 minutes Explaining how the entity has taken advantage of the human being- asking whether the entity is even aware of this.
21.45 minutes My field is influencing you- through my HUMAN voice:
22 minutes Explaining the Structure of the human voice as a specific frequency-generator.
22.43 minutes Our bodies were designed by Source-high-consciousnesses for souls from around the galaxy to move themselves into
23.22 minutes exploring and utilising our tools we can do things which their machines cannot even go near.
24 minutes The love of Source is ‘irregular’ everything is just slightly different…a family of resonance. The entity knows none of this.
24.30 minutes Challenging the entity to find a way to help the human he has damaged. Showing a mirror for it to perceive the energy is uses to penetrate an lacerate the human energy field
25 minutes Explaining how the energy flow of a human i deliberately disturbed throng tears by these entities. FEAR is energy loss.
26 minutes Entity wanted to destroy the man’s uplifting influence( the human being not in this story, but who was the subject of the targeting)
26.24 minutes The HUMAN being targeted was bringing very specific tools of empowerment through his connection of love, a funnel for GOOD to reach many and naturally these ‘horrible entities wanted to injure and stop him.
27.00 minutes they have all forgotten the power to influence through LOVE- gentle even when delivered powerfully
27.28 minutes Commanding Prime Creator to refresh and replenish the injured and occupied human. Asking PC to hold the human as a baby is held in the amniotic sac, and let him sleep, recover, perhaps leave his body or flush through powerful energy to remove darkness and despair.
29.50 minutes Asking Prime Creator, with one beautiful swoop, pull all of the darkness out of him into the compost heap of creation, to let the soul draw near.
30.30 minutes Speaking to the soul of the man: are you able to communicate and re-occupy your physical body and mind?
31.00 minutes Are you willing, are you able to do this? The entity is now fully separate.
31.30 You can ask PC to help you come back as a softer version, of a human, or close off from this existence and come back in a different body. Your voice now to decide, connecting to the greater Source feeling it stronger.
33.00 minutes Speaking to the entity: have you decided between re-cycling or being brave and move beyond the restriction of hatred, to reach back towards the Creator, to ask for LOVE once again and to know it again ?
34.00 minutes You were once connected. It is sad for us to see you… because you cannot exist in the VIBRATION we are moving to
34.50 minutes The fact we can now see you in this state shows you the FIELD in general is raising and time is running out for you guys. Your choice to be something you haven’t been for aeons or go back into the nest of the creator.
35.45 minutes Asking Prime Creator to help the entity decide the path which will bring it to the most ‘satisfying’ state.
36.20 minutes Now a longing or yearning, but I am in this moment “good’ with myself.
37 minutes Singing the message as a song…( with unusual accent coming through )
39.30 minutes The entity now has some protection: look at the man, seek to repair what you have harmed in his life
40 minutes All the damaged energy is now recycled. many more of the entities could be awakened to new possibilities.
40.33 minutes Every thing is changing: you’ve seen something other than ‘tearing apart, stabbing and attacking’
41.10 minutes Take the box with you- as your merman, and allow Prime Creator to give you memory of SOUL- too early to say you can receive your soul- it has been so hidden for so long for all the members of his race.
41.50 minutes On the side of the box is an opalascent sheen: look at the simplicity and purity of the human lives going on around you
42 minutes Human are simple within a complex existence - they just want to feel happy.
42.30 look at this and allow some of that energy to give you some soul- it will accumulate through the molecules of that box.
43.00 minutes Take the box with you- as your protection from being torn apart- move around your people, tell them the story of what you have experienced here.
43.0 minutes The energy is increasing- no matter how many you there are, you cannot stop this.
44.00 You are either left to go or to grow. Watch the humans and be kind to them. I you are feeling hungry, DARE to connect to Prime Creator.
44.30 Your distancing from Prime Creator doesn’t mean you aren’t made of PC
45 minutes I wish you well/ Checking my own body using sound_ inviting the entity to watch me and learn as I scan my body with sound.
46 minutes the frequency of pitch shifts
47 minutes ‘Waking up’
47.27 minutes Looking at my hand which often shakes- now no longer shaking.
48 minutes When we do these things, we let in new energy and we learn…this time in MY left heart side and left arm.
48.30 minutes Speaking my favourite prayer.
49 minutes You can message me if you want to know more about this kind of work- how to understand it. Using nothing other than your human body and the energy filed we call the soul.
50 minutes Smiling

Please send me a message here if you wish to explore something yourself, learn methods or heal situations with Source Energy.

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