Do Catholics Really Believe the Eucharist is Jesus' Flesh?|✝

1 year ago

This Sunday was the feast of Corpus Christi. I know most people have probably heard of the city in Texas with the name, but unless you're Catholic, in fact even if you are, you may not have heard of the feast day. Corpus Christi actually means Body of Christ. On Corpus Christi people who believe in what's called the real presences celebrate that Jesus is physically present in the Eucharist. Many people have heard that Catholics believe the Eucharist, also known as the communion bread and wine literally turn into His flesh and blood. Do Catholics really believe that? What's the reason? Let me Explain!

#eucharist #communion #catholic

Background planet art is all my own unless otherwise stated.

✝=Religious Video
⚛=Science/Engineering Video

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