Chistian21 New Post On Bluewater's Site...😭🤣🤣🤣

1 year ago

I know you're trying to wake people up from a cult, but isn't it nicer to do it in a nice way and not be so scrupulous and tearing down another human being. I'm not saying blue waters channel is the Cult of, it may be, but this is not the way to go about it. We're supposed to be forgiving and loving human beings to everybody, and use our discernment to figure out truth. It's funny to joke around about it and kid around with people but it's not nice to make fun of people that's just my opinion.

Yes there is a more nicer way. And i would have done it a nicer way If low level scum like this did not use children in there scam. They are tearing down people daily in there cult stripping them of identity slowly day by day. Why should i or others be nice to these people. People say about going to 5D you have to be loving i am. I am trying to help there followers. Being loving dose not mean you have to be stupid about it when it comes to evil or bad people. Or should we just bury our heads in the sand and pretend it not happening and people and family's are not getting hurt by what they are doing. There are two types of people in this world people who are not scared and will put themselves out there. And the other that just sit back only protect there own ass because they are scared.And if i do not go to 5D fighting for humanity and to get rid of scum to make things better so be it. I fight for what i believe in and that's to help people.

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