QFS, Medical System, Higher Vibration Living. Etheric & Light Bodies - 04-05-23

1 year ago

The Universal Light Beings continue to share their knowledge, energy, and healing with all of us as we transition in our lives. We are here! It is happening now.

Albayon spoke about the Quantum Financial System and the revamping of the financial systems that are happening behind the scenes.
Questions for Albayon

30:10 - Is it possible for people who are awake to the Naferious Ones but who are still locked in to the belief system of organized religion that God is a separate being from them, to be able to ascend the full physical body when there is a larger Solar Flare, or will they Spiritually ascend and raise the body later when they understand that we are one all with God?
Will they understand that Jeshua (Jesus) is not God, but is a part of God as we are?
34:10 - Since the Solar flared, can you tell us if the filter place around the Earth is gone? When do we expect to see what is real picture of space?
36:00 - What is the current situation in Lithuania?
37:45 - What is the "big next event" that will play out next?
Stock-market crash? A lot of us light workers are tired of waiting this out.
Even just trying to survive, finding a job, keep out vibes high.

44:00 - How will the alignment of the 4 planets in our Solar system last week, affect out planet, solar system and people in general?
What energy does this alignment bring to us?
46:20 - Would love to get your advice on how we can keep our vibration high when we are in fear trying to get by financially month to month.

Brysentia is talking about how to live in the higher vibration without letting negativity bring you down.
How to work with people that are dying or transitioning.

Questions for Brysentia

1:02:19 - Can you tell us about the Egyptian cave in the Grand Canyon will this info eventually lead to the down fall of Smithsonian Institution?

1:11:10 - How can we help does that are dying, what meditation can we do to that would benefit them on the other side?

1:15:03 - What will medical school be like in the new system? Will there be a need for doctors once we have med-beds?

1:19:12 - Hello, I keep hearing about an Avian flu H5n1 and that it is about to be released to cause a pandemic an introduce digital currency and vax passports.
Will this go ahead? What can we do to prevent it? Anything else you can share to help please?

1:20:26 - What advice do you have for us at this time to help anchor in the highest timeline and stay excited for what`s to come.

Crystallia spoke about the lightbody and the etheric body what is the difference between the two.
How to work with children that are waking up, how to support them at our best of abilities.

Questions for Crystallia
1:36:55 - What is the lightbody compared to the etheric body?
1:38:40 - Can you explain how to support our young people going through their awakening process without pushing...
I am finding it difficult to find that fine line between helping and guiding and pushing.
1:41:20 - How can i discern between my voice and the voices of my guide? I`ve heard my guides since i was about 5 years old.
I struggle knowing when it`s my angels and guides and when it`s my own thoughts?
1:43:09 - Will those on the autism spectrum be healed?

1:44:10 - I am finding it very difficult after eating.
We eat only organic, and no processed foods whatsoever, and after i eat, i feel completely uncomfortable and stuffed. Why?

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