G Reacts: BOTH "The Flash" Trailers!

1 year ago

Join G as he re-introduces, re-watches and reacts to CLASSIC (& fresh) clips!

Now Playing: The Flash arrives June 16th 2023 but today we look at both of the trailers released so far! Supergirl, Batfleck, KEATON! Flashpoint like consequences?! ZOD RETURNS?! I usually despise watching trailers...but the anticipation has grown TOO strong! LET'S GO!

0:00 -- Intro
1:13 -- Trailer 1
5:14 -- Trailer 2

NOTE: Will only do one take videos unless technically difficulties. There were 2 this video. Made the points obvious to keep up transparency. Thank you!

All of this belongs to Warner Bros & the people involved! I'm just a fan and own none of this $#!% lol

Help me out!

#dceu #dc #trailers #theflash #keaton #batman #supergirl #reaction #react #reactionvideo

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