The Stupidly Simple Method to Improve Any Skill Way Faster!

1 year ago

In order to reach your goals, you need to improve your skills, that's not rocket science. However, how do you learn new skills effectively? How do you know when you're on the right track to become a better you, or are you digressing instead?

When it comes to personal development, there's a crucial concept:

"What gets measured gets improved".

To give you an example:

If you're playing a video game, you often have your score. That's a measurement of how well you're doing. If at one point you lost the game while you're at 97k points, you will feel more compelled to improve and aim for 100k next.

Improvement is way more compelling when there is visual progress and an evaluation of where you can improve.

But here's the key question:

When was the last time you got to bed on a given day and asked yourself "How productive was I today? How high would I score myself 1 - 10?" How often have you made an evaluation about how you showed up for people in your life? How well did you stick with your health and fitness goals? Have you ever tracked the time spent reading, learning or exercising?

For most people, the answer to those questions is no....

And so, one of the simplest things you can do to take your own growth and improvement to the next level is to simply start measuring how well you do. Start scoring yourself in the important areas of your life, so that you have the awareness required to improve.

Think about what a coach does in sports:

The coach has the ability to observe things that the athletes don't see, because they are too preoccupied. And so a good coach will point these areas of improvement out, and the athletes get better because of this.

The key here is the following.

The athletes always had the potential to improve even without the coach, but they couldn't make the adjustments because they lacked the awareness of what to improve. After being made aware of certain mistakes and where to improve, adjusting behavior becomes a LOT easier.

That's why you should aim to score and measure yourself.

Ask yourself the difficult questions of where you messed up and what you could have done better. Don't let yourself off the hook by saying "you're doing well" even though you know it's a lie. Take these kinds of evaluations on a daily basis and you will learn and improve way faster!

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