San Antonio Rally - Patti Lamar - Eye Witness to Crimes Against Humanity

1 year ago

Patti Lamar's husband Raymond was murdered in a Mississippi hospital by doctors using the deadly Covid Protocol. When Raymond went into the ER to get supplemental oxygen and treatment Patti wrote No Remdesivir and No Vent on his arms in black sharpie. She did this so that there would be no question about the fact that they did not want this deadly combination. The hospital staff Did NOT comply and instead forced this deadly protocol on Raymond after isolating him in the hospital. Patti now serves as the FormerFedsGroup Freedom Foundation Mississippi Vice Chairperson, she does victim outreach, support and interviews for the Covid Humanity Betrayal Project. She is also working to get Dr. John Witcher, who is a hero in this plandemic, elected as MS next Governor. You can learn more about Patti's entire story at

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