Alaska School of Government Presents:

1 year ago

Beacon Hill-Dawn Paulson
Investing in Prevention
The Cost of Foster Care

In other Breaking News:

Cancel Culture has decided to come after us here at Politadick. The Puppet Masters, The King & Queen Makers of Alaska who pull the strings of their puppets they get elected to school boards, community councils, assembly’s, Governors, Senate & House in DC & Juneau ETC… don’t like their dirt exposed for the whole world to see. When they can’t beat us with actual, factual data, to counter what is being said. They Try to sue us into silence & submission, to get us to comply.

I'm sure you all have been hearing of the Weaponizing of Our Government to go after those they don't like. Especially if those people are Telling the Truth... You know, the thing, the things they want to keep covered up.

We are currently in the process of securing the best legal minds in Alaska to talk about how to proceed with this & need your help to fight for All Alaskans Rights to Protect the Freedom of the Press. To Protect All of Our First Amendment Rights!

Help us hire a team if attorney’s so we can competently address this and weigh in what our next steps will be. Whether to fight this or comply to the demands of the Political Elite trying to protect what little power they have left.

Go to & help us afford to continue exposing what MSM, Our Government & the Ones Who Control them don’t want you to see. Cancel Culture is working hard to shut us down.

Make Sure to Like, Subscribe, Follow, Share & Click that Bell to be Notified Every Time We Go LIVE!!


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Every Penny goes right back into expanding our reach to all of you and covers the ever increasing price of gas to make it to these events! Without Your Support…. None Of This Would Be Possible!

We are working hard at Politadick to Expose what MSM refuses to tell you. Uncovering what our corrupt government doesn’t want you to know. We have upped our game and now are broadcasting live on Five Channels & soon we’ll also be Live on Rumble.

Find us on:
Make sure to also bookmark our website:

At Politadick we are taking things to the next level & working towards Live-Streaming to Rumble. Please go to: and Follow Us There. Soon as we get 100 Alaskans following us. We will be able to stream LIVE on Rumble! 100% Unfiltered & Un-Cut! Help Us Become Un-cancelable by Subscribing to Us There Today!
(There is up to a One Day delay on Live-Streams being found on Rumble, until we reach 100 Subscribers)

We want to hear from you! Is there something going on you want covered? Maybe a protest, rally, forum? Could be a debate, School Board, Assembly or City Council meeting? How about a Town Hall, Holiday Event, or maybe have a juicy story that MSM of Alaska is ignoring & want it covered? Contact us & we will do our best to be there covering all the action as it unfolds.

Call or Message me @1-907-414-7885 or Email Us: & we’ll see about making it happen!

#akleg #akgov #Politadick #AlaskaPFD #FollowtheLaw #SavethePFD #RepealRCVAK #MakeAlaskaGreatAgain #FireMurkowski #AllLivesMatter #ElectileDisfunction #AlaskaGrandJuryInvestigation #AFCR1776

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