All in the Family - Part 12 - WWI - (The Elite Bloodlines)

1 year ago

During WWI, the DuPont’s made a mint. Their company had $9 million surplus in its treasury and DuPont absorbed General Motors. The DuPont’s also went into the chemical business. The American government had seized the German Dye Trust, and the DuPonts were given their patents.

The DuPonts began to build a great chemical empire of synthetics: shatterproof glass, paints, rayon, nylon, dyes, photographic film, rubber, chemicals, drugs, etc. Alfred Victor DuPont, Alfred I’s Episcopalian son, served only as a private in the marines during WWI, but in WWII as a consultant to the Joint Chiefs of Staff from 1943 to 1945. The families created the Round Table groups. The Astor’s were the part of the financial backers behind the Round Table groups along with Abe Bailey. Rhodes and Milner were key in The Society of the Elect, a super-secret top circle of Illuminati.

1913 W. Averell Harriman was initiated into Skull and Bones. He helped finance Hitler to power.

Hitler’s war machine was I.G. Farben, which was controlled by the Rothschild’s through the Warburg’s.

Paul Warburg, created the privately-owned "central bank" of America, the Federal Reserve, in 1913, and was on the board of American IG. Hitler’s IG Farben, which ran the camp at Auschwitz, was a division of Standard Oil, officially owned by the Rockefellers. The Rothschild’s finally saw their work pay off in United States with the creation of the Federal Reserve System, solidifying their ultimate control of the nation.

The Watchtower Society started transferring all of the doctrines about 1874 to 1914. They explained that Christ’s kingdom had been set up invisibly in 1914, and that although secular governments were still in place, their rule was no longer valid. Based on the Society’s writings, Jehovah’s Witnesses looked forward to momentous events in the year 1918. It didn't happen...again. You have to give them credit, they really know how to persevere. -- Page 79.

Source: Fearless Nation -

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