GPT Rap: Scarface

1 year ago

I'm back again, like a phoenix from the ashes
Scarface, the legend, king of the city, no one matches
His level of power, his wealth, his respect
Everyone knows his name, even those who reject

Born into poverty, but he refused to live in it
Made his way up, with his own two hands and grit
From a dishwasher to a drug lord, he rose
His empire expanded, nobody could oppose

Scarface, the man, the myth, the legend
The world knows his name, his power, his weapon
His story, his journey, his rise to fame
Scarface, the king of the game

His enemies, they underestimated him
But Scarface, he showed no mercy, no whim
He built an empire, with his own two hands
His rivals fell, but Scarface still stands

He had it all, money, power, respect
But his life, it was a constant test
His enemies, they always tried to take him down
But Scarface, he stood tall, never frowned

Scarface, the man, the myth, the legend
The world knows his name, his power, his weapon
His story, his journey, his rise to fame
Scarface, the king of the game

Scarface, he had it all, but at what cost?
His life, it was filled with pain, never lost
The guilt, the shame, the blood on his hands
Scarface, he tried to escape, but he couldn't withstand

The demons, the nightmares, they haunted him every day
His empire, it was crumbling, he couldn't keep it at bay
Scarface, he knew his time was coming to an end
But he refused to go down, he refused to bend

Scarface, the man, the myth, the legend
The world knows his name, his power, his weapon
His story, his journey, his rise to fame
Scarface, the king of the game

Scarface, he had it all, but he was still alone
The power, the wealth, it couldn't fill the hole in his soul
He searched for love, but it was always out of reach
His heart, it was heavy, weighed down by his past and his deeds

He pushed people away, afraid of being hurt
But deep down, he longed for a connection, a sense of worth
Scarface, he was a man, but he was also human
His flaws, his vulnerabilities, they made him more than a mere legend

Scarface, the man, the myth, the legend
The world knows his name, his power, his weapon
His story, his journey, his rise to fame
Scarface, the king of the game

Scarface, he knew his time was running out
The FBI, the DEA, they were closing in, no doubt
He made his last stand, but it wasn't enough
The bullets, they hit him hard, he fell, lifeless and rough

His legacy, it lived on, even after his death
His name, his story, his empire, it took its last breath
Scarface, the king, he had fallen from grace
But his legend, it endured, in the hearts of his base

Scarface, the man, the myth, the legend
The world knows his name, his power, his weapon
His story, his journey, his rise to fame
Scarface, the king of the game

Scarface, he may have died, but his spirit lives on
In the streets, in the music, in the people he had won
He taught us to never give up, to fight for what we believe
To live life on our own terms, and to never, ever concede

Scarface, the king, he may be gone, but he's not forgotten
His legacy, it endures, in the words that are spoken
He lived life to the fullest, he took risks, he made mistakes
Scarface, the legend, he's forever engraved in our hearts and in our brains

Scarface, the man, the myth, the legend
The world knows his name, his power, his weapon
His story, his journey, his rise to fame
Scarface, the king of the game.

Scarface, the king of the game, he ruled with an iron fist
His legacy, it lives on, in the hearts of those who persist
His story, it's a reminder, of what we can become

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