Oceanhorn: Monster of Uncharted Seas Playthrough Part 4(Android) Blood stone hunting

1 year ago

Condo for rent
https://bit.ly/31QtNPv SMDC Trees near SM Fairview
https://bit.ly/34bMYF2 AFFORDABLE COACH bag for sale

This is a playthrough of Oceanhorn: Monster of Uncharted Seas. (No commentary)

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Item location

1:46 Bomb island - Cave (Heart piece)
2:08 Bomb island (Blood stone)
3:18 3:45 Bomb island (Coins)
7:52 Bomb island (Blood stone)
10:41 Bomb island Abandoned mines (small key)
14:02 Bomb island Abandoned mines | Depths (Heart)
14: 51 Bomb island Abandoned mines | Depths (Blood stone)
16:49 Bomb island Abandoned mines (Old boot)
19:26 Bomb island Abandoned mines (Blood stone)
23:56 Bomb island Abandoned mines (Small key)
25:17 Bomb island Abandoned mines (Master key)
28:16 Bomb island Abandoned mines (Heart)
28:59 Bomb island Abandoned mines (Bombs)
29:26 Bomb island Abandoned mines (Rare Seashell, Rough Explorer crystal)
31: 00 Bomb island (Withered lands location)
32:02 Bomb island | Cave (Blood stone)

10:37 You don't need the button for the chest. Just there is a hidden path beside it.


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