Principle 8 - Dismantling Racism Vote Denied PT 2 Anti - Racism With DR. Wilbarn Hayden and his son

1 year ago

In this second clip, this Wilbarn Hayden, who claims to be a Doctor of Psychology previously held a couple Anti - Racism Workshops at the Unitarian Church of Calgary the previous church year. The first workshop had been advertised during a sermon with the first class being a zoom freebee which he claimed to have left the U.S because of severe Racism only to find Canada was equally as Racist as the U.S. The Workshop I record as it came off as odd men were allowed to advertise racism with a white, gay, lesbian, feminist, pro trans gendered, admiration who've for years I watched address all men, straight white men especially, as raging wife beating alcoholic misogynists'. I hadn't really thought much of him because I rarely even got to engage with him in person since I joined the congregation in 2013/14 aside from the odd sermon he attended and a black dance workshop he for $20/person. He charged $50/person to attend this zoom workshop which was during the first Covid zoom season or earlier since we got the church had to find ways to get sermons out the march the planet was shut down. $50/person for a four class workshop they randomly selected on short notice, and an additional $20 - $25 for the workshop booklet. Or was the prices the other way around. I cant remember. I accidently deleted my recording of this free zoom class and youtube had shut my account down without any specific answers. I have made two cases to have it reactivated with reasons why the did but still no answer. When I asked him if he was promoting an assault on a random stranger who could be suffering from that Nervous Tic Syndrome, what its called, Tourette's? "I'm worried about my SON being assaulted by cops!" was his response. "I'm also worried Police in Vancouver assaulting my adoptive Asian son!" Replied another member of the Church's administration. This I found extremely strange and bizarre as the than Minister Rev. Debrah Faulk had been allowed to give anti male sermons claiming "Men Only Are Looking Through Glass Ceilings!" Speech. A speech I heard in my youth. Must've been When I first attended Mount Royal University in my 20s when it was a College. If I remember it was in one of the Female English Classes which the instructor read to us an actual comment from a right wing politician years prior of the class to prove her point and have us give a bias uneducated assessment.

My first response to this clip had me fully convinced the Administration isn't actually feminist or could give a rats ass about women any more than they do about men. They just want to be paid. And using their own offspring to do so the same way Dr. Phil used his Psychological trained son to prove his point and Dr Peterson is currently doing with his daughter to prove his side of the argument.

I'm seeking answers to see if my senses are correct the staff is using position of power to help Americans assault the Canadian people and get us to hate American.

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