Dungeons And Dragons March PvP Tournament

1 year ago

Our channel, Table Top Family Fun, is hosting a free single elimination PvP miniature tournament utilizing the Dungeons and Dragons 5e rules system. The entrants will be you, our viewers. The tournament will be held starting on March 11th. Submissions will be open until we receive 64 applicants or until March 7th (whichever occurs first).

In order to enter, you may either create a level 1 character utilizing the point buy system or the standard array, or you may simply email us your characters NAME, RACE(only races from the Players Handbook will be accepted), CLASS, and GENDER (selecting a Background is optional - additionally anything else you would like to tell us - fighting style etc ... we will do our best to accommodate). For those of you creating your character you may have up to 200 Gold Pieces worth of equipment from chapter 5 of the D&D 5e players handbook. You will be utilizing only that equipment throughout the entirety of the tournament.

STANDARD ARRAY - https://mykindofmeeple.com/how-to-use-standard-array-dnd-5e-pros-cons/
POINT BUY - https://mykindofmeeple.com/how-to-use-point-buy-5e-dnd-pros-cons/

TO ENTER: (We will check here on Rumble as Well).
1) Comment in this video indicating your entry - "I am entering" etc ... (we will be using the order of the comments for seeding purposes).
2) EMAIL "tabletopfamilyfun@gmail.com" (and please include your youtube name you commented with in the email) - either
a) Your created character sheet -or-
b) The NAME/RACE/CLASS/GENDER/plus whatever details you want us to try and incorporate and we will make a character for you.
3) Make sure you're subscribed to the channel (that is all we ask - besides if you enter you will probably want to see how your character fairs)

If you win, we will also be asking for a mailing address to send you your ICONS OF THE REALM booster box of WILD BEYOND THE WITCHLIGHT [Note: If you win and are located outside the United States we will still try our best to send you your prize within reason (i.e. If we can ship it for under $20 USD)].

We will be rolling through combat for each of the pairings, and we will have a dice camera displayed on the TV/FRAME in the background of the combat. If you email us your preferred combat tactics, as well as lvl advancement preferences as you advance throughout the tournament, we will incorporate them (We will allow lvl advancement options from The Players Handbook, Xanathar's Guide to Everything, and Tasha's Cauldron of Everything). Feel free to email us as much as you'd like, and we will do our best to follow your instructions as well as reply to keep you informed as to what is or is not possible.

Combat will take place in a similar manner to that within the following videos:

PLEASE NOTE: We are human and almost assuredly will make mistakes or misplays during this tournament. This is meant to be fun for everyone and as the channel name should indicate .... family friendly! Please keep it friendly, positive, and respectful towards all involved! We sincerely hope you enjoy!

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