Setting Up Chicken Mansion 2017

7 years ago

I am building a large walk in chicken coop with nesting boxes, a brooder, storage cabinets and more. It is going to look like a small cottage. I hope to have the chickens in there this night.

So far the chicken mansion is coming along very well. I have finished the sheathing the other day and now I am working on the interior and the door.

I put boards up in the rafters to block the wind from blowing in there. This makes a huge difference on the inside temperature.

I also built a door for us to enter. It moves smoothly on its hinges now and has a latch high up where critters cannot reach it. A raccoon would be smart enough to open the latch and enter the chicken coop if it was in reach.

I then build a storage space for the chicken feed. I have two large metal trash cans which I use to keep critters out of the feed. I put them on boards to keep them off the ground and then built a shelf over them.

The shelf will be hinged so I can lift it up to access the chicken food inside. Then I can drop the lid and put pine shavings on top.j

The shelf will keep the chickens off the trash cans, keeping them clean.

Above the chicken food storage I plan to build a storage cabinet with closing doors to keep extra feeders and medicine.

On the other end of the chicken coop I will have nesting boxes for the hens and above that a chick brooder for the little ones.

The brooder will be insulated and heated by a solar powered halogen lamp. This will have a thermostat control to turn it on and off as needed to save energy.

There will be solar powered LED lighting inside the chicken coop on a timer for winter time. This will extend the light hours in the chicken coop for nesting hens. In this way we should get more eggs in winter.

Outside the chicken mansion I will have a porch over the front door with hanging potted plants. I will have window boxes full of flowers as well on each side.

The siding will be pine boards which I got from the local sawmill recently.

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