SIEG IM WESTEN (Reel 12 of 12)

1 year ago

SIEG IM WESTEN (Reel 12 of 12) - National Archives and Records Administration - ARC 44317, LI 242-MID-6063 - DVD Copied by Nick Stoller. Series: Motion Picture Films From G-2 Army Military Intelligence Division, compiled 1918 - ca. 1947. German. Reel 12: CU, Rhine crossing under fire. Establishing shot, Vosges Mountains. MCU, follow shot, Colonel General Von Brauchitsch in command car with aides. MCU, German bicycle troops cross ponton bridge, infantry cross Rhine. CU, German engineer and infantry shock troops advance under fire. Ext and int, French defenders of Maginot Line in action. CU, German sappers cut barbed wire entanglements. MS, forefield of Maginot line with asparagus beds in foreground. Two good flame throwers actions against hill fortifications. Germans enter Maginot Line for occupation, a French Officer acts as guide. SEQ, Armistice negotiations in Compiegne; Hitler, Keitel, Goering and Raeder can be seen. French delegation arrives with Gen. Huntziger leading. Animation, demarcation between occupied and unoccupied France. Int, Hitler and general staff visit Strasbourg Cathedral, cut to Berlin, Bradenburg Gate, Hitler arrives at Kroll Opera House; several ints of Kroll Opera House and ReichStag in session. Reel ends with patriotic montage.

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