The Manosphere, The RED pill & Andrew Tate

1 year ago


An important topic, discussing some distinctions around the #Manosphere #AndrewTate and #TheRedPill

Firstly, there is a LOT of good and sense spoken about in the Manosphere... and much of it IS needed as a pushback against the insanity of the woke mob, racist and sexist feminists and political correctness and the ongoing assault against masculinity. But also we must be careful of getting enrolled in a pushback that has been engineered to also entrap us.

Tate discusses some important and valid points about women and femininity. and doing the work to become a worthy man of distinction (although he defines such incorrectly).

Where he and the Red Pill community falls down, is primarily around these three points which I discuss in the video.

1/ How he earnt his money, exploiting women and their sex. He's a large scale PIMP, and it is a DISGUSTING a way to earn money. And part of a larger theme of; as MEN we are responsible for our actions and the impact that has on the world around us.

2/ JUST because you can, doesn't mean you SHOULD: if as a man you understand that a woman gaining a higher 'body count' negatively affects her ability to pair bond and find a suitable long term mate... The Manosphere is RIGHT to argue that women need to take accountability for their part of things. BUT so too do men, and the truth is that being a promiscuous ALPHA or whatever you want to label it as, causes HARM to women, and even to your fellow men who struggle to find a suitable mate because they've all been 'alpha widowed' or whatever else.

3/ The gratuitous pursuit of wealth and success with no consideration of the impact it has on the wider world.

“Truly, I say to you, only with difficulty will a rich person enter the kingdom of heaven. Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to enter the kingdom of God.”

For ANYONE to become a billionaire... as a rule that doesn't happen without getting signed off by the powers that be.

This focus on shallow and materialistic success... IS part of the societal matrix which entraps us. Disconnecting from the sacredness in it all and consuming and using without consideration of your actions, is OF the societal matrix..

Our purpose is supposed to be in accordance with the PROMISE we gave to AllFather before we came into life, it is a sacred and humble form of surrendering to something far GREATER than our self and our petty wants and ambitions, in chosen servitude, so we are set FREE.

EVERY man longs for his own nobility.

Don't be a smarmy unhealthy boy-man, devoid of principles or honour, fucking any woman he wants BECAUSE HE CAN, or having 30 super cars BECAUSE HE CAN.

Just because you CAN, doesn't mean that you SHOULD!

Become a TRUE MAN.

To Love
To Protect
To Lead by example
To seek truth, no matter how terrible
To do the right thing, no matter the cost

The oldest of our Sacred Laws: The blood of the innocent shall NOT be defiled.

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