Vaxxed 4x Likely to Die of Covid

1 year ago

The vaccinated are four times likely to die of Covid. The truth always comes out, no matter how much the Marxist evil ones want to try to suppress it. This is why they become more and more violent and use brute force instead of just threats, lies and fear, which stop working after a while. They get more and more desperate, because no one in their right mind would ever volunteer to have their policies implemented, unless they somehow got bribed, and they are corrupt and evil themselves. A bunch of demons. They’re all given over to deception. They are all worshiping the father of lies. Hold fast. Pray. Stay in scripture and fellowship with real believers. There are all kinds of false teachers and false doctrines leading people astray right now. Hold fast to the truth . We will be with Jesus. These evil ones will fall, and they will cease to exist. God’s got this. Spoiler alert: He wins !

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