Why my friendships with girls are so platonic | by the legendary Ujjwal Anand | Subs in description

2 years ago

I made this video some time in 2019.


One of my dudes asked me why am my friendships with girls are so platonic. I told him that is because platonic friendship is the only real form of friendship. If you are using friendship as a means to something else, it just isn't friendship. It is that something else. Therefore, non-platonic, aplatonic, whatever you want to say, non-platonic friendships are not real. If you are going in to that friendship with a different motive than friendship, then it never was friendship. It never is gonna be a friendship. Therefore, it is reasonable that my friendships with girls are platonic because they are friendships, and they are real friendships.

Sincerely yours,
Ujjwal Anand



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