Work Life Balance |

1 year ago

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The structure of civilization supported work life balance in the past especially in the Industrial age.

There was a clear definition between things to do at work versus things to do at home. There used to be a definite time to do work related activities and a definite time to spend with loved ones at home thus making work life balance easier to attain during that time.

We are currently in an over communicated time wherein we are so much tethered to communication devices and technology that keep us connected to the world. These allow us to stay on top of things but in turn create a very demanding intensity of workload making it a great challenge and somehow a confusion to have work life balance nowadays.

Work life balance applies to a structure where there is a need to close one’s self from certain environment and situations. This kind of compartmentalization may appeal to some people but it is now becoming a trend for companies to provide their employees work which allows them some freedom from it.

Since everything is becoming integrated nowadays, work life balance seems to be a non workable ideal. Instead of work life balance, consider work life integration.
Integration is better than separation. Instead of compartmentalizing things which is done in work life balance, integration of important components of life allows us to take more control of our increasing workloads.

Full engagement, full focus and doing things one at a time are some of the ways to integrate components of work and life.

Overestimating things that we can do is overwhelming and very idealistic that it becomes impossible to attain goals.

There is an existing belief in society that there is something wrong in achieving things without struggle. Deprogramming ourselves from that belief and instead creating personal development goals that incorporate all components of work and life allows us to experience pleasure along the way making such goals so much easier to attain.

Personality hacker is fundamentally about being part of your own personal growth and development journey.

Know whether Work life balance or Work life integration best works for you.

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