#NEW | SEEKING THE AID OF THE DISBELIEVERS | Albāni, Ibn Bāz, Fawzān vs. Abu Khadeeja and Madkhalis

2 years ago

In The Name of Allah, the Most Merciful, and Especially Merciful.

Similar to every Mas'ālah that these Zanādiqa differ with Ahlul Sunnah on, they condition this action (Taking the disbelievers as Awliyā’) of Kufr, with that which is necessitated by performing it. Similar to to how they condition that replacing the Shari’ah of Allah with man-made laws is only Kufr if you do so 'preferring man-made laws to the Shari'ah.’

What was once an opinion (permissibility of seeking the aid of the disbelievers in the Gulf War) that was widely known worldwide as the Saudi Arabian government enforcing the adoption of this opinion upon on their people and scholars, it has now been transformed by the lapdogs of the Tawagheet into the "mainstream" Salafi position on the Mas'alah. What's odd, even their beloved scholars say something contrary, rather, the Scholars of Tafsir are explicit in this issue, as you will see in watching this video. I ask Allah that this be a means of guidance for the sincere amongst the misguided, and to be a means of despair and heartache for every arrogant Madkhali and arrogant denier.

This goes without saying, the video could not have been completed without the Scholars of Haqq in which we sourced are work from, may Allah Reward them, Raise their Ranks to the highest levels of Firdows, and Beautify their mention in this Dunya, and in the Heavens.

Footage of the camps was taken from @HaqqHurtsHypocrites , may Allah reward them. Please subscribe to them, as they are of those who have preceded us in goodness.

All Good that is found within this video, is from Allah Alone, and all errors and mistakes are from our lowly selves and the cursed devil.

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DISCLAIMER: All opinions and material - implicit or direct/indirectly - that are shared within this video and others, is done so strictly for educational purposes.
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