1 year ago

Hebrews 10:23 King James Version
23 Let us hold fast the profession of our faith without wavering; (for he is faithful that promised;)

GOOD EVENING IN YESHUA EVERYONE!!! HAPPY CHANUKAH EVERYONE!!! I know this may sound weird coming from me guys, but I have a Jewish heritage, and I've been learning throughout the years to celebrate this table of lights, from a redeemed perspective. I was able to find something very interesting on a messianic Jewish website, on how to celebrate Hanukkah, and if you'd like, I can give you the link. As you can see there's two different ways to spell it, but it means the same thing period it represents God's light piercing through the darkness, and he was able to do that through his son Jesus.

As I read this passage of scripture, I thought of how many times in my own life, that I've failed to stand up for my faith, or buried my head in the sand over an issue that required me to stand up for the Lord. I've also been able to recall other times in which I've stood up for my faith, and even though I've had backlash for it, I don't regret it. I think that's why these questions from this morning's devotional really challenged my heart, and I'd like to share them with you tonight. Please read these questions very carefully, and I pray that God will challenge you through them.

When have you experienced a challenge to your faith?

How has God encouraged you to stand firm?

What I'd like to do right now my friends, is share some things that God has shown me from his word concerning this passage of scripture, as well as through other examples of faith, through this vlog I'd like to share with all of you tonight. It's a powerful reminder to me, of how important it is to never back down or shirk from our faith, but to be willing to stand firm and do as this verse above states, and holding fast to the faith we have in Christ. Come join me in this vlog tonight my friends, and learn just what I mean! 😊

So, my friends, as I close this post with all of you tonight, I want to challenge you to especially during this week, especially on Christmas Day, to ask God to give you courage, boldness, and wisdom to help you stand firm in the faith that you have, and to provide you the faith that you need each and every day, as you are facing a lost and dying world right now. Ask God especially during this holiday season, to show you how you can represent Him to your family, coworkers, friends, and so much more, so that they see Christ Jesus in you. Remember my friends, we are the only example of Christ that this world is going to see, so we need to make sure that we're living godly, righteous, and honorable examples for Him. Don't hide your faith, but let it shine brightly!



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