Episode 1 Nigel Wright UK - 25 May 2022 21.34' Experiencer, author, researcher & journalist

2 years ago

NIGEL WRIGHT from the UK, is an author, paranormal journalist & UFO researcher - the latter since he was 7 years old, when he and his parents were taken on board a craft, with human looking peoples he described as Nordics. Since 1965, the year of the encounter, Nigel developed a sudden and insatiable, life long curiosity regarding everything ET & UFO, (which interest expanded to include cryptids and ghosts). That is, despite having no memory of that event until his 40th year, in 1997, when as a complete sceptic, he underwent a regression session to see if he’d be able to recall anything. He had the surprise of his life, as the therapist woke him, with a full recording of a description of the whole encounter….

Nigel has COPD along with some other health issues he's been dealing with in recent years, so in the interviews, you may notice his speech may be laboured on occasion, please be kind and patient.

With the encouragement of Sue, his wife, Nigel is writing his autobiography, whilst being a family man and dealing with health issues. Nigel recently began trying out a new system of image enhancement software on his many UFO photographs to incredible effect, and here is a sneak preview of a couple of his remarkable collection of images.

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