If you want to look thick them post swear words in your tweet like Dave Ward. Good grief

1 year ago

Please be warned that I have enclosed the tweet from a chap called Dave Ward who (according to Wikipedia) is British trade union leader and General Secretary of the Communication Workers Union (CWU). He posts a tweet with a swear word. This tweet could be seen by children. Now if his it is low and he wishes the world to see him as thick and vulgar then so be it. However you would think women on the left who I presume he represents would be disgusted. I would never wish to be associated with someone who posted such things. Indeed I would fear for my safety if I was in the same room with someone who posted such vulgarity as one wonders if someone who chooses to post words that seem hostile would also resort to physical harm too. In this post he seems to be representing nurses. Is this who nurses wish to be associated with? Is this who the NHS want to be associated with. Good grief.

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