Round 1 Goes to Melkor | Of the Beginning of Days | Episode 5

2 years ago

With the stage set for enormous battles between Melkor and the Valar, Jonathan, Michael, and Dan dive into "Of the Beginning of Days" to surface questions like:
Did the color green exist before Varda?
How long is the time of the lamps?
Is the light of the trees physical?
Which Valar long for Middle-earth?

And if pipeweed is something you enjoy, make sure you stay watching till the end!

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00:00 Introduction
00:30 All That is Gold Does Not Glitter
06:43 Dan's Big Thought
09:08 Green is brand new
11:02 The time of the Great Lamps is thousands of years!
15:50 The light of the Trees is physical
18:40 Aulē's unique relationship with Elves and Dwarves
22:00 Some of the Valar long for Middle-earth
24:55 Jonathan's favorite sentence
27:48 It is better to guide, than force
31:46 Death is the fate of Men... and a gift.
35:57 If You like Tolkien!
34:43 Closing

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