未來兩年內,會有二十億接種疫苗的人死亡!屍體處理將成巨大難題!-人類學家警告!Two billion vaccinated people will die in the next two years! Corpse disposal will be a huge problem! - Anthropologist warning!

1 year ago

未來兩年內,會有二十億接種疫苗的人死亡!屍體處理將成巨大難題!-人類學家警告!他們現在讓人們去歐州和多處旅行,是為了更大的騙人以為一切都可回復正常⋯⋯Two billion vaccinated people will die in the next two years! Corpse disposal will be a huge problem! - Anthropologist warning! 全地人將會瘋狂的混亂,終於明白自己和家人被政腐欺騙的人們將會變得瘋狂⋯⋯People all over the world will be insane chaos, and people who finally understand that they and their families have been deceived by g0vernment c0rruption will be in crazily chaos. …

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