The Life Is In The Blood – Destroy The Blood And You Destroy Life

2 years ago

In the last broadcast I discussed how the enemies of mankind are set and determined to destroy the humanity that Yahweh created by means of changing humanity into something other than original humanity. When attempts to change original humanity fail then the processes of the WEF or NWO dictate that humans themselves must be destroyed. It appears that this culling of humanity is being done by destroying the blood in the bodies of men and women. Destroy the blood and bring death to the body, so to speak. Another attempt of changing mankind is by altering man’s DNA, or to have the ability to alter mankind at any time that our foes deem necessary. Blood is a conduit of life, sending life to every cell within the body. Being a conduit, the cardiovascular system can therefore send death to the whole body. Therefore, science seeks to pervert what Yahweh made perfect by attempting to alter scripture to, “The death is in the blood.” Yahweh has placed a death sentence on those who alter his Word, and his creation.

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