Pastor Jamal H. Bryant Delivers Pro-Abortion Speech DURING Baby Dedication / Anointing

1 year ago

Dr. Jamal H. Bryant of the Atlanta-are megachurch "New Birth" says the Supreme Court decision to overturn Roe v. Wade is part of "something satanic afoot in Washington, DC," mere moments before calling up several parents to anoint their toddlers.

Not going to link to the source video since these children's names and images are not redacted in it.


This week, America turned back the hands of time and declared a war on women in this nation. I wanted us to stand resolvely [sic] to say to this nation that if America was authentically pro-life, then they would immediately abolish the death penalty. If they were really pro-life, then they would put more money into Head Start programs. If they were pro-life, they would seek to cure the opiate addiction in this nation. If they were pro-life they would make sure that teachers feel safe in their schools. If they were pro-life, there would be stiff, stricter measures about gun control in this nation. If it was, pro-life we would not have to deal with food insecurity.

But I stand with now the living matriarch of the movement, Maxine Waters, who said they have declared war on 32 million women in this nation. And one thing about a woman, when she is focused, she is not gonna stop until she gets what she needs.


New Birth stands with the amazing women of this church, of this community, and of this country. That women have the right to have authority over their body, and it should not be legislated by men in Washington, DC.

I want all of us all over this room, would you do me a favor? Would you celebrate the women around you who are competent enough to make decisions about their bodies, decisions about their life, and decisions about their future? We're praying steadfastly, because what we are seeing is racism rearing its head again uh with this measure that has just taken place. Black baby infant mortality is going to rise by 30 percent, and hence we cover the lives of our mothers of our pregnant mothers and our unborn babies...Today we stand in the gap for mothers and for emerging mothers.


The weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but they are mighty unto God for the pulling down of strongholds. There is something satanic afoot in Washington, DC.


So today, proudly, we dedicate babies in our church. They're coming at this time because we believe the children are the future. But we also believe that mothers have the right to elect where it is that they are in the season and the stages of their life, and they should not be criminalized for making decisions that will best suit them for where it is that they are.


[Speakingto a toddler in her father's arms] As we're living in a world that is declaring war on women, we declare that God is going to make you fit for the battle, that there'll be no obstacle you will not be able to overcome. I anoint your hands, even in this moment, that God will give you the strength to take hold of whatever it is that you go after. I anoint your feet by the power of the Holy Spirit, that you will have dominion in the earth just as you do in heaven. And all the people of God said "Amen." Sisters, make some noise, even now.

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