German SMASHES the US' double standards trying to send Germany to the poor house

1 year ago

German SMASHES the US' double standards trying to send Germany to the poor house, Sarah Wagenknecht - Member of the German Bundestag 德國人抨擊美國試圖將德國送入貧民窟的雙重標準 - 德國聯邦議院議員

Of course you'll never see this in Western media as the entire West is enslaved by Capitalist media and the Imperialist narratives that come with it. This will be the best 5 minutes you've had in a long time. 當然,你永遠不會在西方媒體上看到這一點,因為整個西方都被資本主義媒體和隨之而來的帝國主義敘事所奴役。這將是你很長時間以來最好的 5 分鐘。

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