HappyToast deck launched: What Is Kickstarter? - The Word Cloud Tarot Show - 31st Oct 2022

1 year ago

What Is Kickstarter? - The Word Cloud Tarot Show - 31st Oct 2022

The day is finally here, we are happy to announce
the launch of the HappyToast deck by HappyToast
and #Wordcloud #tarot. The #kickstarter is open!

To celebrate, Adam does a reading answering
a question asked by is mum: What is a kickstarter?

### Past - 7 Of Swords, Futility

Once upon a time if an artist had a new bit of work,
or a engineer had an idea for a new project,
there was little they could do.

Releasing it was _futile_, a _Sisyphean_ task
of _defeat_ and _delusion_.

The art patron and venture capitalist scenes are full of
_chicanery_ and _dishonesty_ and _irresponsibility_.

No wonder artists were full of _cynicism_ and _ineffective_
_lazy_ _sophistry_.

### Hidden Influence - 7 Of Wands, Valour

But behind the scenes, hidden, there lie an audience of
_audacious_ and _bold_ supporters
who are _fearless_ and _courageous_.
They have _honour_ and will
face many _hurdles_ and _impediments_
to help support the art they love
if only they had the opportunity.

### External Influence - 11 Of Swords, Page

Then, onto the world comes the page of swords.
It is Perry Chen!
He is _affable_ and _analytical_ and _impatient_.
He's _logical_ and _technical_ and
_disdainful_ of the status quo.

He is _observant_ and _practical_ and
he can see a way to guide the valorous audience
through the maze of futility!

He started Kick-starter.

### Present - 9 Of Pentacles, Gain

Now that Kickstarter exists,
artists can finally _gain_
and _delight_ their audiences
who get _assurance_ and
_bountiful_ _incentives_.

The artist can use kickstarter to
gather a _diverse_ set of patrons,
offer them _perks_ for the _support_
that they are _delighted_ to give.
There is a _plethora_ of _opportunity_,
a _durable_ and _exciting_ way to
connect those valorous fans with the artist
and cut that Sisyphean futile wasted effort.

If a project is successful,
the audience and the artist can gain!

### Outcome - 14 Of Cups, King

Which means that finally
artists can be _expressive_, can _communicate_
their _esoteric_ and _evocative_ ideas to a
_faithful_ and _generous_ audience
who are _thankful_ for the work and
_gracious_ enough want to be supportive.

### Summary

Connecting with an audience and allowing them to fund a project
into life used to be a difficult and _failure_-prone task,

Even when there was a _valorous_ audience,
they were hidden and unable to express their support.

But _page of swords_ Perry Chen was observant,
technical, and practical enough to create kickstarter

it allows audiences to pledge to support a project,
which can then reward the creator for making it,
a _gain_ for both.

Now it exists, you can be as gracious and
faithful as the _king of cups_,
and support our kick-starter during this month!

So do like and follow and share,
but also visit the kickstarter
pledge, and support the art.
You can be as cool as the King of Cups

### Next time:

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