THE LETTER TO THE ROMANS Part 2: Living a Double Life

2 years ago

Paul was not concerned whether the church in Rome would like his blunt message about sin and deception. He emphatically laid down the law with a take it or leave it attitude. Some of the church members in Rome were living a double life. They officially condemned homosexuality as a sin but were secretly practicing it themselves.

It is the height of hypocrisy for a Christian to live a double life while judging others for the same sins. Jesus said you have no right to judge another person if you are living in sin. The good news is that God is not a respecter of persons, meaning He does not play favorites.

You can judge yourself now or face Jesus on the other side after death. God cannot be bribed, so if you know you're doing wrong, you will be judged according to your knowledge. Those who sinned without knowing the laws of God won't be held responsible for their ignorance.

Those who know the laws of God and fail to apply them in their lives won't be justified. There are different judgments at the end of the world and the Lord will treat humanity equally.
Sermon Outline:

RLJ-1573 -- NOVEMBER 13, 2016

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