combat pistol - thumb forward grip, R thumb over L thumb vs L thumb over R thumb

2 years ago

real situations with adrenaline are not like on the range or competition shooting, breaking a grip right out of holster and waiting for the left hand puzzle piece is not best when left hand could be stopped in a gun grab or have to do something. the right thumb down on middle finger one hand grip inshures that if left hand can meet it we can still shoot one handed and retain firearm from a grab, with right thumb down on middle finger and left thumb on top of right thumb is when left meets the right hand, this is faster and you dont have to piece the puzzle wich doesnt fit the same way every time where the thumbs are possitioned, where as left thumb over right thumb is the same every time and no need to fit a puzzle piece that wont fit and hardly fits for many firearms the space they say they fill like a piece of a puzzle, the problem is the piece doesnt fit, it covers the gap but doesnt fill it, and to fill the gap requires you move your right hand grip rather then keep it the same as it came out of the holster, thats why out of the holster you have right thumb doen on middle finger and gun can be solo or meet left hand with left thumb over right. the right thumb over left grip can take the gun out of battery in a stress adrenaline filled situation by 1.) left thumb touching slide preventing it from going forward or reverse and potential malfunctions of the firearm 2.) right thumb over left thumb hits slide stop/release causing slide to not lock open on last round or interfering with slide going forward or backward 3.) on some guns hitting the safety or decocker causing gun to stop or not fire.the remedy for not having these events happen wich happen all the time in law enforcment and the private citizen is to have left thumb over right thumb, less chances of malfunctions and a out of battery gun, less chances of a gun grab, less chance of dropping gun or having to wait for left hand when you can just punch out with a one hand grip that already has the right thumb over the middle finger and could have left thumb over right thumb if time to join both hands

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