A ZEN MONK attains Mahasamadhi - LIVE?!?!?! #UFO #Alien #ET #USO #UAP #Disclosure 👉👉👉 Follow me

2 years ago

A ZEN MONK attains Mahasamadhi - LIVE?!?!?!
Watch MAHA-SAMADHI "live" in this video till the end...
NEVER SEEN by the world BEFORE...
Maha-samadhi is very prevalent in Hindu & Tibetan culture where Monk/Sadhu/Guru tells their disciples that they will go in meditative state and their soul will leave the body.
It is the ACT of consciously and intentionally leaving one's BODY...

Proof: Forbidden video of Maha-samadhi of a monk from ZEN religion "Live" on camera
***Very IMPORTANT READ, read it till the end. We all MUST KNOW it ALL.

Let's take our knowledge of Spirituality to the next level of awareness...

Maha-samadhi in Hindu or Yogic traditions means the "great" and final samadhi, is the act of consciously and intentionally leaving one's body.

These concepts are beyond Modern Science's comprehension, as the explanation lies in the Quantum Realms...

This is the final level of spirituality, where a sadhu/monk controls the destination of the soul by dropping their body.

A lil tidbit for you...

*** 144 000 LIGHT WARRIORS and KALI YUGA ***
The 000 144 light workers and the warrior of light were mentioned in the book of Revelation, the Esmeralda signs, the Ashtar Command, native Americans and many more.
A great request to all the light workers in the well-known universities to come here to help and control this planet during the Ascension process.
They are one of the most mysterious groups mentioned in the Bible.
But who is 144 000?
The book of Revelation and emerald signs predicted the arrival of 144 light workers who will save the Earth from the '' dark forces '' during the TIME of Kali Yuga.
Most of the 144 000 lightworkers are here now and '' awakening '' is underway for the divine purpose and mission of the earth. (FYI: Most of these star seeds are embodied by more advanced planets, although some of the 144 000 are the developed native soul of the Earth. ))
Ashtar Command
Ashtar Command predicted that those rising on the first wave will have the opportunity to return to Earth in an elevated state, waking up the rest of humanity with the possibility of ascension.
Enoch's book supports this forecast by talking about the sudden appearance of 000 144 Ascended Master on Earth, who transform the world and reject clouds of darkness and despair.
Native American prophecy is also predicted the appearance of 144 teachers.
In April 1983 Harley Swiftdeer announced that the 144 000 enlightened masters of the Sun Dance would completely wake up in the bodies of their dreams.
They start gathering into their own snakes with feathers or winged snakes (Merkabah) and become a great brightness to help the rest of mankind dance into their dreams.
Book of Revelations:
This would also give an explanation to the 144 000 mentioned in the book of Revelations.
Chapter 7. of Revelation mentioned the endless number of all nations dressed in a white robe.
This could be his perception of light bodies that decorate the crowd following the 144th and 000th wave of rise.
John also said that these were the ones who cleaned up during the time of great anxiety during a period of 7 years of great misery. [2017-2024]
This would suit natural disasters predicted in advance to cleanse industrial civilization and pollution before the rise of the Earth.
Hot yoga:: n
Earth 25 makes a 360 degree trip in the galaxy every 920 years. All full cycle is known as Yuga. Yuga has 4 parts. Part 2 (180 degrees) rising consciousness and two parts (180 degree) descent consciousness.
This cyclical rise and fall has occurred since the Earth was created and this explains the rise and fall of great civilizations on Earth.
Kali Yuga is the last quadrat of descent consciousness within Yuga.
Earth is now on the edge of Kali Yuga.
Kali Yuga biblical name is '' the end of time ".
The end of times will not be the end of the earth, but the end of darkness and evil on Earth and the dawn of the seventh golden age of enlightenment.
Waking up:
Most of the 144 000 people are now in the process of '' awakening coming from their long mental and spiritual lethargy, recognizing that they are here to help the great transformation of the Earth.
The memory of 144 000 cells was designed, programmed and activated to wake up to their true identity, mission and goals to be embodied on Earth during this cornerstone of Earth's history

Tidbit Courtesy: Földvári Erzsébet
Video Source: Sadhguru

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