Metallica - Battery (Guitar Cover/Karaoke)

2 years ago

A request from a good buddy of mine. Here you go Jon. Not at all perfect, but I hope you find it satisfactory.

What can I say about these good boys that haven't already been said by me or by others. So I'll take this time to give some performance notes instead of anecdotes.

This song consists of harmonies, dissonance, and vicious triplets. You're picking hand must be in good condition to apply and maintain the ferocity required to play this properly. I've been playing this for the better part of 33 years and although it gets a little easier with time you still have to put the effort in to get it right. There are no shortcuts. Also, don't use the tabs. The tabs did help me start to learn this when I was 15 or 16, from the official book even, but still much of it seemed wrong. It is. Use your ears for a far better result.

During the acoustic section, absolutely none of what you are hearing is Metallica. It's their music, but all of it was played by me. So that part is not karaoke, but a legit cover.

This video also marks my embarking on a new journey with a wah I just got in the mail. The Fulltone Clyde Deluxe is one badass piece of hardware. Highly recommended, if you can find one for a good price since they've reportedly closed their doors for good.

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