Ask Me Anything

2 years ago

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0:00 : Intro + where has Waller been
0:30 : What are the best qualities a man could have that Waller himself respects?
2:55 : Being a 21 yr old V word is ruining my confidence, Waller help!
5:40 : Dating while working on yourself, What does Waller think?
6:40 : How to handle a fight with my GF?
8:25 : Life insurance, Waller’s thoughts on it
10:05 : How to prepare for the War Room, Waller explains this well
12:10 : Advice for women in their 20’s
14:55 : Teacher, saved $13k & lives with his mother, what should he do next?
17:10 : Great 9-5 but he is looking for a good mentor to follow
18:55 : Waller on finasteride
19:25 : Should I focus on losing my V-card, he is on the right track, Waller gives his great advice on women & success
22:00 : Waller on networking as a general contractor
23:25 : How to effectively read a book to maximize its value?
25:15 : How to handle disrespect from others?
26:15 : Advice for a guy who is on a date wanting to lose his V-card
27:55 : Waller on having to financially support parents bad a grown adult
29:50 : Advice during dates with women
30:50 : Tattoos & how perception is the reality to most people
31:35 : Joining the War Room young
35:50 : Does size matter?
36:45 : How to best use my father's annuity check?
37:30 : Partnering with a property management company, waiving all livability, good idea?
39:36 : Waller explains the wrong reason to keep a women
41:20 : 23 got my GF pregnant, do I keep it?
43:10 : Certifications in constructing
44:50 : Moving from Miami to San Diego, should I do it?
45:55 : How to have a healthy emotional balance with my GF?
47:10 : 21, how should I go about becoming successful?
48:30 : Should take a girl back who thought I cheated?
49:05 : Making profits in today's market in construction
54:10 : College or start my own business?
55:00 : 32 but I think it's over for me, what do I do? Waller explains to not lose hope at such a young age
57:00 : Good way to network besides the War Room?
59:05 : When to walk away from a goal vs when to quit because it is too hard?
01:00:50 : How to let a girl down, gentlemen like?
01:02:50 : Truck driving or going to college?
01:05:05 : How to deal with feeling inferior in life?
01:07:00 : How to balance business & women?
01:08:50 : How to get it going in life?
01:10:15 : How to marry someone better after getting out of an abusive marriage (women asking the ?)
01:13:35 : Buying a business + best pick-up line?
01:18:30 : Want to become like Tate, how do I do it?
01:20:40 : Getting into the crane business
01:23:40 : Should I travel now & young?
01:25:00 : Insecure about not being able to get a girl I want
01:26:55 : *Quick C-4 break*
01:27:10 : Learning from your stepfather & how to deal with a mentor
01:30:40 : Waller on trucking as a first job
01:31:55 : Fully go into a marketing business or work a normal job?
01:34:45 : Did Waller ever quit something in his life?
01:38:25 : How to demonstrate your high value to women you are interested in?
01:40:50 : Moving from Canada to another country
01:43:25 : How to introduce the RP to your girl?
01:45:45 : 26, wanting to go into another career path, should I do it?
01:46:55 : Increasing work ethic
01:48:55 : 19, $400k liquid, the best advice to give me?
01:51:05 : Hiring an image consultant
01:54:10 : Living with my grandmother, should I date?
01:55:50 : How to find select mentors in your life?
01:58:15 : Meeting Waller in real life after joining the War Room
01:59:00 : Waller’s hair transplant
01:59:15 : Career change at 30 because the earn rate is low
02:01:35 : Waller’s thoughts on “Monk Mode”
02:03:35 : Taking back your ex after you glow up
02:05:10 : Waller wraps it up

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