Jim Simpson - The Red Green Axis

5 years ago

Jim Simpson is an investigative reporter and he does a very good job of it. He goes deep and wide to uncover the history of communist (“Red”) thought and their well-planned and nefarious ways to destroy the American ideal and to bring her various institutions and citizenry down. There’s been an unabashed attack on Christianity, Biblical morals, the family, and the Constitution; using our educational system and guaranteed freedoms as the vehicle of these attacks.

On the “Green” (Islamic) side of this partnership we see CAIR (Council on American-Islamic Relations)—the most public face of the US Muslim Brotherhood, the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), and the list goes on. These people coin terms like “Islamophobia” and redefine “Hate Speech” to mean anything—even if it’s truth—that puts Islam in a bad light. Internationally they’ve enlisted the United Nations, and nationally the SPLC to assist them in the fundamental transformation of the world and America.

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