6 Stages of Earth Changes for the Event

4 years ago

6 Stages of Planetary Ascension

Embracing the full spectrum of changes occurring for full planetary ascension...the world is never going back to how it used to be. We are the pioneers of a New Earth.

1-Control program of the fear-CV-This event will "flip backward" on itself. Meaning it was not successful for the negative forces. Cheap cures on the way. Not forces va**cines but they are present. "Awakened" people will be able to reverse any adverse effects of injections.

2 (NOW until October 3rd/November4th) Restructure. Revalue. Redo. duality, protests, polarized opinions, changes in how the US does elections, collective anger, HOLD ON TIGHT (leading up until election time), knock the wind out of people MOST CHALLENGING STAGE. A big ROAR is coming in the collective. Anger is necessary to awaken others. Pace yourself. This is a marathon and not a sprint.

3-catalyst-restructuring of government-pushes everything towards NEW. A collective decision that it is time to live in a NEW WAY.

4-Earth changes: seismic activity, weather, tectonic plates, magnetic poles, can be subtle. Seeds planted to grow over time.

5-Earth restoration-all systems changed, cleanup of the Earth, healing technologies released (healing beds/pods), taking the black "goo" out of the Earth. Completion of Earth Restoration by 2025-2027

6-Harmony and Building up of New Earth

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