When Anger Moves God's People - Part 3 - Pastor Jason Henderson

4 years ago

The 4 Areas That Limit Us In Receiving All That God Has For Us (2 Kings 13: 14-19):

1. A Lack Of Appreciation For Spiritual Giants In Our Lives

The king had NO idea of who Elisha was and what he was capable of.
This was the successor to Elijah, the famous prophet of Israel.

This was the one who receive a double portion of Elijah’s spirit.

Elisha ministered to 5 different kings of Israel.

Scripture recored 20 different miracles while he was living and one when he was dead and buried.

Through the power of God, he parted the river Jordan (2:14)

Through the power of God, he purified polluted water (2:19-22)

Through the power of God, he multiplied the widows oil so that she could pay off her debt and save her children from slavery (4:1-7)

Through the power of God, he healed a man from leprosy and death (5:1-14)

Through the power of God, he raised a young boy from the dead (4:18-37)

This was a man who had the power of God on his life and the king should have recognized.

The Problem: Most kings, like most Christians, only went to the prophet, (God’s spokesman), when things were difficult and grim, impossible if you will. They were not interested in learning the Word of the Loe, or even the Will of the Lord. But when the prophet is about to die, the king shows up.

Most people see spiritual giants, great men and women of God, when it is too late, or their lives are about to come to a close.

2. A Lack Of Understanding Of God’s Will

King Jehoash was obedient but he did not understand what God’s full intention was.


He had a limited understand of God’s will for his life because he has a limited understanding of God Himself.

The Problem: Like the king, most people sit back and watch God work without understanding His purpose.They haven’t learned enough about His Word or His principles. They failed to develop an intimate relationship with Him.

3. A Lack Of Faith In God’s Power

The king completely misunderstood the power of God.

His victory was limited by his faith in the power of God.

“God works in response to our faith.”


The prophet had every right to become angry with the King.

The Lord will limit His power when faith is lacking or absent.

He will only empower us to the degree that we choose.

The Problem: Most people want and desire God’s power in their lives because of what they see other people have. They don’t see the prayers of faith in private, the wrestling with sin in the night, the countless hours of prayer time and study time, the secret worship in the prayer closet. You will never have the power of God on your life if you choose to watch and not seek.

4. A Lack Of A Full Victory In God’s Service (2 Kings 13:25)

The Lord gave him what he expected.

Public victories are based on private victories

Before David met Goliath in a public battle, he fought and defeated the lion and bear while herding sheep alone.

Before Jesus was publicly crucified defeated sin on the cross, He privately in time of prayer surrendered to the will of the Father in the garden.

Partial victories are experienced in our lives because we lack faith in what God can really do and accomplish.

God desires to give His people full victory, not partial. What do you expect?


The best asset to any church is not buildings, checking accounts, or great lighting, it is godly people who walk with the Lord and are able to discern truth.

The Lord is never finished with His servants until they take their final breath.

Even on our deathbeds we can serve the Lord and bless others 13: 14-19

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