How to play Time's a Ticking with TIC Playing Cards

4 years ago

Learn the rules to the TIC Playing card game Time's a Ticking quickly and concisely - This visually rich video has no distractions, just the rules.

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The object of the game is to get the most points, the object of each round is to be the first player to play all their cards. Setup. Shuffle the deck and lay 5 cards faceup in the middle of the table so everyone can reach them. Deal out the remaining cards to each player, as personal draw deck, as evenly as possible setting aside any extra cards. Players do not look at their cards yet. Once all players are ready, the dealer says “go”. Players may now draw and pick up as many cards from their deck as they want into their hand as often as they want.

There are no turns, all play happens simultaneously as the players race each other to play all their cards. Players play cards from their hand that “tic” with the center piles, that is, the cards must have at least 2 matching attributes of color, number, or shape. If a player plays incorrectly, and is caught, that player must take the incorrectly played card back into their hand and must wait until 5 cards are played from other players until they can start playing again. Players are allowed to hold as many cards in their hand as they desire but players may only play 1 card at a time.

Players continue drawing and playing cards until 1 player has played all the cards in their draw deck and hand, then the game ends and they win the round. If ever you reach a point where no player can play cards, then the game ends and the player with the fewest cards in their hand and draw deck wins. The winner of each round receives 1 point. Gather up the cards and play again until 1 player reaches the predetermined point goal for the game, this number is typically 5 or 10.

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