Episode 97, "A Terror Era Coming True"

2 years ago

Episode 97

"A Terror Era Coming True"

-Andrew For America talks about Tulsi Gabbard's recent comments about President Biden being "Obama's front man," the coming "Ministry of Truth," Dan Bongino passionately denounces the Supreme Court "leak" regarding the recent ruling on Roe vs. Wade, The Streisand Effect, and the fact that the world is changing rapidly in these "unprecedented" times. Also, Andrew plays a clip illustrating how some foreign officials (and maybe the rest of the world) allegedly view “the west." The title of this episode is inspired by the song, 'Voice of the Voiceless" by the band Rage Against the Machine. The lyric, inspired by Orwell's book "1984," goes... "Orwell's hell, a terror era coming through, but this little brother is watching you too."

-The song selection for this episode is an Andrew For America original entitled, "America: The Masquerade."

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#politics #punkrock #MinistryOfTruth #DisinformationGovernanceBoard #disinformation #contentmoderation #Orwell1984 #Orwellian #thoughtpolice #rageagainstthemachine #AndrewForAmerica

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